November 10- 12, 2024
The Benson Hotel & Faculty Club
Aurora/Denver, Colorado, USA


Keynote Speaker: Ronen Blecher, MD, PhD
Orthopedic Department, Ben Gurion University, Ashov, Israel
Department of Molecular Genetics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Invited Speakers

A. Noelle Larson, MD
Mayo Clinic

Florina Moldovan, MD, PhD
CHU Sainte-Justine
Université de Montréal

Eric Parent, PhD
University of Alberta

Daniel Grimes, PhD
University of Oregon

Greg Redding, MD
University of Washington,
School of Medicine

Carol Wise, PhD
Scottish Rite for Children Center
for Translational Research at UTSW

Ann Kramer
Patient Advocate Speaker